Simon Cowell

BGT is back, but what can we insight professionals learn from the talent show format?


Whose job is to upskill end users on all things insight? Should we insight professionals even make the effort to train those outside our industry ? Can insight professionals proactively facilitate training for their stakeholders? My wife and I benefited hugely from an antenatal course that we went on prior to becoming parents for the…

Marty McFly

Those ad-hoc projects that come around periodically and trackers- my top tips on making them amazing, post inspired by Marty McFly

You Stopcock

How can we stop insight budgets from being cut?


How to respond to an insight brief? (Client-sider’s perspective) As a client-sider there are a number of hygiene elements I expect in a response to a brief. However, for a proposal to stand out I believe its ability to showcase; innovation, iteration and inclusion is what sways me to choose one agency over another.  My…


Fearless in insight I am a big fan of the TV legal drama ‘Suits’. For those of you that have not seen it; it’s the TV show that Meghan Markle is best known for. The show’s main characters are Harvey and Mike who are hotshot lawyers, however Donna their personal assistant in the show is…


Fight your inner insight instinct Like most, I admire my dad (Pete) immensely, not just because of his personal achievements but also the way he has operated his business. He has been a corner shop owner for 40 years and has worked from 4am-6pm/364 days a year. As a youngster I’d help-out in the shop…


Be a true expert by giving a speedy response. Marketing strategy & insight professional by day, FPA (food programme addict) by night is my unofficial job title. I am that guy that feeds his appetite for food programming at least four times a week (excuse the cheesy pun). If you are also a member of…


Professional Respect I never thought a LinkedIn post would remain engrained in my memory as much the famous Monique Drummond post of April 2018. Monique, Founder of Relish, posted about the lack of professional respect some client-side insight professionals give agencies and how this impacts on the relationship. At the time the post got a…


Storytelling in Insight On a hangover day I often find myself staggering down to my sofa, flicking on a Sir David Attenborough documentary while digging into last night’s pizza. A few episodes in, I realise Sir David Attenborough is probably one of the most incredible, most amazing, most extraordinary storytellers on earth. Is there anything…


Where does research start, insight begin and strategy end? “Rupes, make sure you get insight in your job title soon, you’ll be worth a lot more” said Luis to me at his leaving do, 11 years ago. I had only just landed my first client-side role as a Research Manager when Luis said this to…